When Should a Couple Seek Counseling?

Should We Start Couples Therapy?

Many couples fret (individually and together) about the right time to seek counseling. While some wait until issues become overwhelming, early intervention can profoundly influence a relationship's health and longevity. Here are key indicators that it might be time to consider couples therapy.

Communication Breakdown 

There are clear signs in your communication patterns that your relationship needs help. One is that conversations with your partner frequently lead to arguments or misunderstandings. Another sign is that you can’t even remember what the original argument was about because the fight has somehow morphed into a debate about how things were said instead of an actual issue. A third sign is that communication has just become rare or nonexistent. Effective communication is the foundation of any relationship, and therapy can provide tools to rebuild this crucial aspect of a relationship  . . . without shame or blame, and without anyone “giving up” their needs or “giving in” to demands. 

A Loss of Intimacy

Emotional and physical factors play vital roles in a healthy relationship. If you or your partner feel a growing distance, lack of connection, or reduced physical intimacy, a therapist can help you explore the underlying issues and work towards rekindling connection and closeness.

Trust Issues 

Trust is a fundamental pillar of any relationship, but infidelity, dishonesty, or broken promises can quickly shatter it. When trust is compromised, moving forward without professional guidance is difficult. With their expertise, a therapist can play a pivotal role in facilitating healing and rebuilding trust, reassuring couples.

Constant Conflict 

If disagreements and conflicts are more frequent than moments of peace, it's time to address these issues before they cause further harm. Therapy can help identify the root causes of these conflicts and provide strategies for resolving them constructively.

Remember, if you're feeling like you want to end your life, or if you're having thoughts about, or plan or intent to hurt yourself or end your life, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. There's someone understanding and knowledgeable to talk to and support you 24/7, and it's a confidential and no-charge resource. You can also call or text 988, anytime.

Life Transitions

Significant life changes (loss, moving, having children, changing careers, leaving behind a goal or dream, etc.) can strain a relationship. Seeking counseling during these transitions can help couples navigate challenges and adapt to new circumstances together.

Online Therapy is Convenient for Couples

It's important to remember that seeking help is not a sign of failure but a proactive step toward strengthening your relationship. With its convenience and effectiveness, online therapy with Onward Psychological Services offers couples a practical way to address their issues and work towards a healthier, happier relationship. This proactive approach can make a significant difference in the health and longevity of a relationship. 

The Top 5 Reasons Why Therapy is Beneficial

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Welcome to Onward Psychological Services

Lindsey Carnick received her Bachelor's from the University of Colorado, a Master's from Purdue University, and a Master's in Social Work from the Graduate School at Indiana University. She has worked in the field for 15 years and practices in Colorado, Massachusetts, Maryland, Nebraska,...