How Do I Stop Gossiping so Much?
Gossiping is something most of us do at one point or another. Whether it's a casual chat with friends or a workplace discussion, it's easy to slip into gossiping without realizing it. It doesn’t take getting “caught” gossiping or someone’s feelings getting hurt to feel icky about gossip. If you feel that you’ve been gossiping too much and want to make a change, it’s totally possible to break the habit with intention and self-awareness. Cutting down on gossiping can improve your relationships, boost your reputation, and help you cultivate a more positive environment.
How do you know when it’s time to quit your job?
Deciding to leave a job is a big step, and it can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. The signs that it might be time to move on aren’t always obvious, and many people struggle with knowing when to take the leap. If you’re feeling unsure, it’s essential to reflect on your current situation and identify whether your job is still serving your personal and professional goals; or perhaps if it’s the best option for your current context and needs. Below are key indicators to help you recognize when it might be time to seriously consider a change, and some very helpful insights about trying to make informed decisions without real information.
5 Tips for Managing Anxiety at Work
We live in a fast-paced, work-heavy society. Performance expectations range from mildly overwhelming to patently ridiculous, and for many, anxiety about meeting metrics is a regular part of life. Throw in tight deadlines, firehose-volume workloads, and interpersonal challenges with coworkers and managers, and your mind will feel downright scrambled.
Even with all of those variables, simple strategies can help you manage your anxiety during the workday, and we’ve listed a few of them here.