It’s never too late to change your mind!
Stress management strategies that don’t work for your lifestyle don’t work for you.
What difference would it make in your life if you could be gentle with yourself and also model that for others?
Are yesterdays thought monsters getting you down today! Let’s think through what’s really happening here . . .
How you show up has a lot to do with how you are expecting others to show up. Don't be a hostage to your expectations . . . even if they're "accurate."
Ever notice that people can spend so much time focusing on what they don’t want and why, that they have no idea what they do want, even when the opportunity arises?
In this short, we look at Stephen Hayes’ awesome metaphor about what happens when we habitually avoid painful thoughts and feelings.
In this short, we think about our internal dragons who get activated and trick us into wanting to breathe fire at who or what ever provoked the dragon.
In this short, we look at how “problem solving” doesn’t work when it comes to the internal world and our feelings, and suggests “soothing” strategies instead.
Do you blame yourself when you can't get someone orsomething to go "right"?