Therapy Lindsey Carnick Therapy Lindsey Carnick

Do I need a therapist or am I overreacting?

It’s common to wonder whether your struggles are “serious enough” to seek professional help. Questions like, “Am I overreacting?” or “Do I really need a therapist?” often crop up when individuals are dealing with emotional or mental challenges. Self-reflection is important, and it’s also helpful to understand the situations where therapy can make a meaningful difference in your life. Of course, here’s some great news: you don’t need to be certain about needing to go to therapy. You can try therapy and see if it’s helpful to you . . . and it may surprise you in really fantastic ways. And here’s another piece of great news: if you are, in fact, “overreacting,” therapy can help you figure out why that is and how to respond differently in the future.

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Therapy Lindsey Carnick Therapy Lindsey Carnick

How do I know what kind of therapist I need?

Choosing the right therapist can feel overwhelming, especially with so many different types of therapy and specializations available. The key is to match your unique needs, challenges, and goals with the expertise of a professional. By understanding your own situation and the different approaches therapists offer, you can make a more informed decision. This blog will help you think about a few important items— related to you and potential therapists— that are helpful to know when you start looking for a therapist for the first time, to change therapists, or for a new challenge.

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