Therapy Can Help you with Grief and Loss

Grieving a loss is a deeply personal and often overwhelming experience. Your loss might be due to the death of a person, the end of a relationship, or the closing of a life chapter. It's a relief to understand that, as humans, we are unique, and each of us processes traumatic events differently. Despite this universality, grief can feel incredibly isolating . . . as if you are the only person who understands the pain. And it’s true that you’re the only one who’s lived your experience.  

A first step toward working through grief is allowing yourself to feel your emotions without the fear of being judged by others. Pushing away, avoiding emotions, or trying to fit your experience into a linear “stages of grief” process can often prolong the healing process. 

Benefits of Online Therapy for Grief

Therapy is a supportive, non-judgmental space to explore and move through the most challenging parts of grief and loss - shock, disbelief, anger, betrayal, familial estrangement, loneliness, regret, and confusion about meaning – while discovering how to rebuild a life you can love.

Online or remote therapy offers benefits uncommon to in-person treatment. Being in your own familiar environment can help you open up more freely, and many people feel truly unburdened just by eliminating the added stress of traveling to a therapist’s office. Moreover, the confidentiality of the online platform ensures a secure and comfortable space for healing.

Tailored Coping Strategies for Grief

Therapists trained in grief counseling understand that grief manifests in many forms, including sadness, anger, confusion, and guilt. Through remote therapy, professionals can offer tailored coping strategies based on an individual's unique emotional and situational needs. Techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), or expressive writing can all be part of a customized approach.

Communicating digitally also allows therapists to follow up with additional resources, such as readings, exercises, or videos that clients can access between sessions.

Remember, if you're feeling like you want to end your life, or if you're having thoughts about, or plan or intent to hurt yourself or end your life, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Someone who is understanding and knowledgeable is available to talk to and support you 24/7, and it's a confidential and no-charge resource. You can also call or text 988 anytime.

Remote Therapy with Onward Psychological Services

Remote therapy is an accessible and effective option for those dealing with grief and loss. It provides immediate access to professional help, fosters a safe and private space for healing, and offers tailored coping strategies that fit the individual’s needs. 


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