Relationships Lindsey Carnick Relationships Lindsey Carnick

How Do You Know It’s Time to End a Friendship?

Friendships can be an incredible part of life, for introverts, extroverts, and everyone in between. Friendship can offer support, companionship, and shared experiences. However, not all friendships are meant to last forever. Sometimes, ending a friendship is necessary for personal growth and well-being. But how do you know when it's time to walk away? Here are some key signs that a friendship may have run its course.

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Therapy Lindsey Carnick Therapy Lindsey Carnick

How Do You Tell ADHD from Conduct Disorder?

Parents, teachers, healthcare professionals, and other caregivers are often frustrated when it comes to understanding what to make of behavior from children and adolescents who are struggling, and how to help them successfully navigate these experiences. Parents are frequently presented with the labels of “ADHD, “Conduct Disorder,” and “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” by professionals trying to provide helpful explanations and plans for resolution. In this blog, will look at important differences between ADHD and Conduct disorder in particular, and resources to make sure the young person in your care is getting acurate diagnosis and care.

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